Earl grey choc chip mini bundt and comfort

aboveThis week is a bit of a crazy one for me. I’ve been baking to calm my nerves and keep my hands busy. And I’ve loved it. Last week I was a little lax with my recipe posting, but all will come good after this week. The uncertainty that has me baking like a crazy person will lift, and things will become clearer.

As always, I find myself turning to tea and baked goods for comfort – in this case, the tea and baked item are one! Earl grey tea and bundt; could one little morsel be any more perfect? It’s like all of my favourite things rolled into one perfect, adorable little bund(t)le. Continue reading “Earl grey choc chip mini bundt and comfort”

Chocolate pumpkin bundt and a cute Halloween 

scene (1024x528)You’ve all seen how much I love bundt. I recently wrote about my love of mini tarts as well. My love of all things miniature doesn’t end there, though. Norman is testament to this! My older brother claims that Norman isn’t a real dog, and sometimes we joke that a few Normans stacked on top of one another would equal a “regular” dog. But I wouldn’t have him any other way.  I just adore down sized versions of things! Continue reading “Chocolate pumpkin bundt and a cute Halloween “

Strawberry rhubarb bundt and miniatures

closeI am a fan of all things miniature. Norman is a testament to this – my family joke that if we had three Normans and stacked them one on top of the other, we’d have a real dog. I love that mini old-fashioned milk bottles are in vogue at the moment, I’ve used mine in various photo shoots. (You can see them in my chocolate milkshakes post.)

It’s  rather funny that I made mini cakes out of the rhubarb I purchased, which was ginormousContinue reading “Strawberry rhubarb bundt and miniatures”