Lamington ice cream bars and Australian classics

plateThese frosty delights were supposed to be posted on Australia Day. And here were are, January 29th, and they’re only just being posted.


My excuse? I completely forgot. I have no excuse, other than I was having far too lovely a weekend to be glued to my computer. Sorry, fellow bakers! If you don’t follow me on Instagram (you should!) you’d have missed out on my weekend. It was filled with food, dogs, board games, laughter, and more cheese than I care to admit. Continue reading “Lamington ice cream bars and Australian classics”

Mint slice cupcakes and Australian recess treats

closeMy primary school little lunches will stay with me forever. The company was pleasant enough, but it was always the food that got me excited (what a little piggy!)

There was a period of about two weeks when I was around 10 where we had those tiny little tubs of Nutella that you ate with a tiny paddle. Mum must have been feeling rich when she was doing the shopping, because my two brothers and I NEVER got those in our lunches. Continue reading “Mint slice cupcakes and Australian recess treats”

Watermelon smoothies and hot hot heat

glassThis past week has been unbearably hot. I love living in Australia, and I love Summer, but I do not love humidity. Today was the first day in a few weeks where we had glorious dry heat. It was amazing.

I made these watermelon smoothies early in December and forgot to post them. Today’s heat reminded me that I needed them in my life again. As much as I’m missing delicious baked goods, I find it hard to justify turning on the oven in this heat! Salads, beverages and ice blocks are topping my “to make” list recently.  Continue reading “Watermelon smoothies and hot hot heat”

Gumbo and rainy day comfort food

bowlThe weather has not been kind to Sydney this week. Earlier in the week it was so uncomfortably humid that leaving the haven of my air-conditioned house made me immediately hot – the air was syrupy with humidity. I made my watermelon and feta salad to cool down on Saturday and had planned to eat the leftovers today.

That was an optimistic plan, because today we had rain; persistent, cold and accompanied by wind.

On the plus side, it was good weather for baking! I baked a lemon and coconut cake similar to these little beauties, and one of my new favourite recipes, gumbo. Continue reading “Gumbo and rainy day comfort food”

Mango coconut pops and Summer tastes

singleThis recipe used up the last of the mangoes that I bought on my way down the NSW east coast. It was sad to see the last of the mangoes go, but these ice blocks celebrated the mangoey goodness thoroughly; the handful of ingredients and killer combination of fruits makes for a simple, delectable summer dessert.

Seriously, eating one of these makes you feel like you’re on some divine tropical island, lazing by the beach and being fed deliciously exotic fruits. Mango and coconut transport me to paradise.  Continue reading “Mango coconut pops and Summer tastes”

Mango lemonade and Summer drinks

ice cubesSummer is definitely here. After a bit of a stormy start, Summer has reared it’s glorious head. I got burnt yesterday at the beach; I applied sunscreen (patchily, as it turns out) and have awkward sunburn patches on my back and legs.

On top of the 30+ degree weather, this sunburn makes me feel like I’m melting! I had a box of quickly ripening mangoes and was in need of something refreshing, speedy and healthy to ease the pain of the sunburn. This mango lemonade ticks all of these boxes and it tastes like a little bit of heaven. I’m in love with it. Continue reading “Mango lemonade and Summer drinks”